10 Cruelest WWE Superstar Exits Ever

1. Bret Hart

bret hart survivor series 97

There's no exit from WWE as cruel or as well-documented as that of Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Vince McMahon's most loyal employee was signed to a 20-year contract in 1996, but when McMahon realized he wouldn't be able to afford to pay the deal, he urged Bret to seek employment with WCW. Unfortunately, Bret was WWE Champion at the time.

As champion, Bret had a single request - he would not lose the title to Shawn Michaels in Canada. Bret and Shawn legitimately hated each other, while the champ's pro-Canadian gimmick made him a hero in his home nation. He'd lose the belt to anyone, anywhere - including to Michaels in the U.S. - but not to HBK in Canada.

As Bret had a creative control clause in his contract, he was justified in making such demands. He would be wrestling HBK at the Survivor Series in Montreal on November 9, but he still had more than a month left to his contract after that. Bret offered to drop the title following the Pay-Per-View, but McMahon said it wasn't necessary - he could finish up at Survivor Series and leave as champion.

It wasn't that simple, of course. During the match, Vince came down to ringside, and when Shawn locked Bret in Bret's own Sharpshooter in a pre-planned spot, Vince spontaneously called for the bell to be rung. Thought Bret didn't submit, Shawn was declared the new champion.

A furious Bret realized he had been double-crossed. He spat on Vince McMahon and destroyed the ringside area as the show ended, and backstage, he punched the WWE Chairman out. It was a sad end to Bret's WWE career after 13 years of excellent - a slap in the face to McMahon's greatest star.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013