10 Current WWE GOATs

5. Greatest Three-Piece: The Shield

Daniel Bryan GOAT

We're not saying The Shield is the greatest faction in WWE history. That mantle, you feel, should stay with D-Generation X, even if their run was, thanks to an ill-timed HBK injury, certainly less prolific than that of the Hounds of Justice.

DX, however, was a two-piece plus Chyna - who, as a woman in an era when WWE's female division was essentially just Sable and Tori, was never really given the chance for a great in-ring career of her own (two Intercontinental Championship reigns notwithstanding).

The Shield, on the other hand, boasts three main event tier performers, all of whom have captured the WWE Championship (with varying degrees of success: cough Dean Ambrose cough) and, unless any unsavoury recordings surface between now and then, all of whom can probably bank on their being inducted into the Hall of Fame in 15 or 20 years time.

To many fans, Roman, Seth, and Dean's act was one of precious few in the modern era that wouldn't have looked out of place in WWE's late-90s heyday. We perhaps took them for granted at the time, but no-one is going to be making that mistake for their reunion.

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Daniel Bryan
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