10 Current WWE Observations From A Lapsed Fan

8. Where Are All The Signs!?

Ok, so there are still a healthy number of signs at the average WWE show, but there aren't nearly as many as there once were. Look at pretty much any event from the 'Attitude Era' on the WWE Network, and the sheer volume of little cardboard messages can be pretty overwhelming, it's a wonder anybody could actually see back in those days! Nowadays, WWE are a little more strict about exactly what signs they allow into shows, looking to control the kind of thing which gets shown on television. Basically, anything inflammatory, offensive or any signs deemed unnecessary are confiscated by the promotion's staff, but that practice didn't seem to be in vogue years ago. As stated, there are still signs, but not in the huge numbers of before. Fans in general are perhaps a little more sedate, which could be something to do with the change in demographic for the WWE product, but it could also be because of the audience being discouraged from bringing their own special stamp to proceedings. Even if the crowds contain more kids than they did in 2001, that doesn't mean the same excited vibe shouldn't be there.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.