10 Current WWE Stars That Would Have Ruled In ECW

10. Jack Swagger

It seems like Jack Swagger is at a point in his career where he's at a crossroads. It's unlikely that he's going to become a main event level performer, but he's also a considered a good enough performer that he's always going to have a job too. Maybe he has a future as a tag team wrestler. Anything more than that would be a surprise. If he was a part of ECW, he'd probably be booked a lot better just because he's a pretty big guy with a submission wrestler skill set. They have him use the Patriot Lock submission move as a finisher, but other than that he's basic. Heyman probably would use him as more of a submission specialist that had more than one move that could make somebody tap out. Think about how Taz was booked in ECW. He had a "shooter" gimmick where he was presented as a badass. Obviously he's a much shorter guy than Swagger is, but the same philosophy could apply. If you book somebody to be a badass wrestler that knows a lot of submission then that person could beat anybody no matter their size. It's all about the presentation. Swagger would likely be a deadly submission expert in ECW with Heyman booking him. Instead, he's just another guy in WWE.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.