Vince McMahon recently said that Cesaro has something missing, which is a real shame as he is one of the best ring workers in WWE. He just cannot seem to deliver on the microphone, so the best option here is a manager. The first option may seem like a stretch but if he wants to make these comments, why can't McMahon himself be Cesaro's mouthpiece? He is one of the greatest figures in WWE history and has strong mic skills as both a face and heel, so he could help Cesaro become what we all hoped he would-a main event talent, whether as a good guy or a bad guy. A second option may be even more of a stretch, but Stone Cold Steve Austin has praised Cesaro in various interviews, so he could be a good option. Being one of the greatest talkers ever, he is strictly business and can help Cesaro become a huge babyface star and add the credibility that Vince may not see in the Swiss sensation. Hulk Hogan is another great option, as he is not featuring prominently on television and could really rub off some of his charisma on the strongman. After endorsing him as the winner of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal earlier this year, Hogan could play up that prestigious prize and become Cesaro's mouthpiece and turn him into a mega-face, much like the Hulkster in his prime.