10 Deadliest Wrestling Submission Holds Ever

8. Last Chancery

Greatest Practitioner: Austin Aries Also Used By: No-One (yet!) The €˜Last Chancery€™ is the name used by Austin Aries for his modified version of a bridging arm triangle choke, a type of chokehold that originated from judo. The move takes its name from the front chancery; a type of standing headlock that is similar to an arm triangle. An arm triangle choke is a legitimately deadly move that involves a headlock that constricts the windpipe between the victim€™s own shoulder and the arm of the practitioner. It is commonly used in MMA fights. Aries€™ version, like the best pro wrestling holds, adds a dash more spectacle to the mix, as, once the hold is applied, Aries rolls forward in a flip-like motion, bridging his back and wrenching his opponent€™s back and neck upwards at the same time. It looks awesome, providing an excellent photo opportunity. This is a hold that you can probably expect to see taking its place as a much-feared and widely used move in the years to come.
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Austin Aries
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I am a professional author and lifelong comic books/pro wrestling fan. I also work as a journalist as well as writing comic books (I also draw), screenplays, stage plays, songs and prose fiction. I don't generally read or reply to comments here on What Culture (too many trolls!), but if you follow my Twitter (@heyquicksilver), I'll talk to you all day long! If you are interested in reading more of my stuff, you can find it on http://quicksilverstories.weebly.com/ (my personal site, which has other wrestling/comics/pop culture stuff on it). I also write for FLiCK http://www.flickonline.co.uk/flicktion, which is the best place to read my fiction work. Oh yeah - I'm about to become a Dad for the first time, so if my stuff seems more sentimental than usual - blame it on that! Finally, I sincerely appreciate every single read I get. So if you're reading this, thank you, you've made me feel like Shakespeare for a day! (see what I mean?) Latcho Drom, - CQ