10 Directions WWE Should Go From Here

Now the WrestleMania dust has settled, what should come next for WWE?

Post-Wrestlemania is always the time for a direction shift in WWE. Vince McMahon views Wrestlemania as the show as the place where the biggest issues in the company are blown off, and the Raw after Wrestlemania where the biggest issues in the company are kicked off. That being said, 2015-2016 is going to be quite a year for WWE, and this article will attempt to explain why. There's obviously more than 10 directions that WWE can head in along their path to truly discovering how to make the most out of their next 12 months. However, there are some very clear directions that the company needs to consider taking, mainly because their fanbase is gaining in awareness and are able to use social media and the internet to be able to galvanize opinion like never before. Moreso than anything, in these ten points, ways that WWE can showcase being locked in motion (but not a step ahead) of their audience will be showcased. In Vince McMahon being tied to his traditions, WWE showed in 2014-2015 that they may not be as aware of how to best deliver what the fans want to see. But in maybe slowing down and assessing the breadth and depth of opinions and needs from their fanbase, WWE could be on the path to redemption in the eyes of the WWE Universe. Here's 10 ways to make that happen.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.