10 Dirtiest Players In WWE History
1. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

It was a heel turn so misanthropic that it seemed unimaginable Jake Roberts had ever been a babyface, let alone one of the most beloved for the past six years.
Turning on the Ultimate Warrior after ostensibly 'training' him on the ways of the dark side in covert plan with The Undertaker, Roberts cut a world class promo on the Warrior, blaming him for being stupid enough to trust somebody so inherently evil. Motivations (or devilish lack there of) established, Jake was immediately one of the most threatening heels in the entire company.
He turned up the heat at the climax of the SummerSlam wedding of Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. It was WWE soap executed to perfection, as Elizabeth lifted open a gift to find a deadly king cobra grinning back at her. The distraction allowed Jake and 'The Deadman' to deck Savage and taunt the Bride and her guests with the deadly reptile.
Worse was to come for 'Mr and Mrs Macho'. After a routine victory over a jobber on WWE Superstars, Roberts mercilessly taunted an edgy Randy Savage out of the broadcast booth where he'd been stationed peacefully campaigning for reinstatement in order to get his hands on Jake.
Losing all control, Savage hit the ring but was quickly subdued by the malicious (and logically fitter) Roberts. In one of the company's bravest and most insane moments, Jake had the cobra bite Savage, as McMahon screamed about venomous poison on commentary. It remains gripping over 25 years later, and represented an unthinkable and unprovoked depth for a heel to sink to.