10 Disastrously Timed WWE Injuries

6. Triple H

Triple H quad rehab 2001

Retrospect may make Triple H glad that he missed out on the botched 'Invasion' angle which dominated the second half of 2001.

The torn quadriceps injury he suffered on the 21 May Raw during a tag-team match against Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit cost Triple H almost seven months of ring time though. Not only that, but the leg injury also slowed his working style and ended a super run on top that had started in 1999.

'The Game' must have been champing at the bit to be part of the WCW Invasion too, because he was one of the trusted WWF stars who had helped put the competition out of business in the first place. Instead of wrestling incoming WCW names like Booker T and DDP, Triple H had to grimace his way through painful rehabilitation.

When he returned in early-2002, Triple H was noticeably sluggish and couldn't work the big-bumping style he had before. The product in 2001 could have used his workhorse mentality to help ease the failing Invasion, and Triple H could have done without missing the rest of the year.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.