10 Dream Survivor Series Matches That Should Have Happened

3. WCW vs. ECW

Ecw Vs Wcw Anyone who has seen the Rise and Fall of ECW documentary (now available on the WWE Network) knows that Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff are not exactly what one would call friendly. Issues between Heyman and WCW led to his departure from the company. It worked out well for Heyman, who landed with the upstart ECW promotion out of Philadelphia and quickly set out to make it the revolutionary force it eventually became. But tension between he and WCW president Eric Bischoff mounted over the years, especially as Bischoff continued to acquire Heyman's talent, leaving him with little advanced warning or compensation. It worsened an already poor relationship. WCW and ECW were polar opposites in every way imaginable. Bischoff's company relied heavily on name talent and over-the-hill veterans while ECW succeeded on the backs of young stars never really given a second look by either of the two big promotions. Bischoff has a reputation for being poorly managed from a creative standpoint while Heyman was a creative genius. The only similarity between the two was the fact that both were bleeding money at the time of their demise. What better way to tell the story of the two promotions than in a traditional elimination tag bout? Imagine the classy Ric Flair, the face-painted and kid-friendly Sting, Lex Luger and his phenomenal physique and the brute force and intensity of the Steiner Brothers squaring off with the beer-drinking Sandman, the enigmatic wacko Raven, the never-say-die attitude of Tommy Dreamer and the ridiculousness of the Public Enemy. While all of Team ECW sans Dreamer eventually worked for WCW, they were simply shells of their extreme selves. Watching them embrace their inner hardcore and attempt to knock off the more traditional, southern-style competitors would make for such a styles clash that disastrous results would be guaranteed. And disastrous results are ALWAYS entertaining.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.