10 Dream WWE WrestleMania Feuds That Should Have Happened

1. Austin vs CM Punk

If Cena really is the closest thing WWE has to a modern day Rock, then there is no doubt whatsoever that Punk was their Steve Austin. Even with them botching the whole 'Summer Of Punk' thing (seriously though, how hard is it to have a guy that hates The Man being the hard-battling wrestler fighting against...The Man?!), Punk's heel run towards the end of his WWE tenure was legendary, and we'd have killed to see that incarnation dropping Pipe Bombs on the Rattlesnake. Like, remember this?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjoYSRju5ww True, Austin is now well over ten years past his last WWE match, and latest indications suggest that a comeback just isn't on the cards anyway, but if it had been two years back, imagine the build they could have had going into this one. We reckon Punk could have carried a match with the Bionic Redneck (that nickname is still way too underrated, BTW) enough to legitimise the feud, while the feud itself would have been beyond all our wildest dreams. Generations colliding. Bombs getting dropped. The very essence of pro wrestling itself. Right, excuse us, it's time to fire up the Playstation....

Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!