10 DUMB WWE Name Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

3. Paul Wight > Big Show


WCW calling Paul Wight "The Giant" during his near four-year stay in the promotion was both a nod towards Andre The Giant and a straightforward bit of presentation. The man was gigantic compared to most human beings, so it fit. Then, he joined the WWF in 1999, went under his real name for a spell and...weeeeeeeeeeeeell...

...it's the Big Show!

People did not take to that name. Some were confused as to what it even meant. To them, the "big show" was WrestleMania, so was this ex-WCW man coming in as a walking, talking representation of the annual spectacular. If so, why not just go to the whole way and call him "Showcase" as a tip of the cap to "Showcase Of The Immortals".

The above was a real-life discussion this writer had with friends at high school back then. It was a simpler time. Again, like several others on this list, Big Show grabbed attention without much effort. It made Paul Wight a curious beast, one fans wanted to learn more about.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.