10 Dumbest Ways WWE Wrestlers Killed Their Push

8. Sid Vicious

Rvd Weed

Though he is viewed by many of today's wrestling fans as a limited worker, Sid Vicious was most definitely in the midst of a pretty big push in 1992. It was he who got the nod, after all,when the dream Flair-Hogan match at WrestleMania VIII never got the green light.

Partly, this run was said to have ended because of a failed drugs test, Sid being one of the first WWE wrestlers to fall victim to the company's sudden willingness to clean up its act following the intervention of outside authority.

But there was another factor at play too. Sid loved to play softball in his spare time, and after being disciplined for his 'roid violation, he decided to pursue his second career instead of walking back into his main event spot.

In a way, that's kind of admirable (the softball bit, not the drugs). Rather than simply chasing the money, the guy actually followed his heart, doing something that he always wanted to do. It's just a shame what he always wanted to do wasn't a big-time spectator sport.

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