10 Egocentric Wrestling Stars Who Believed Their Own Hype

1. Buff Bagwell

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Buff Bagwell's contract was one of the ones taken over by Vince McMahon's WWF once he swallowed up the remains of WCW in March, 2001. A decent in-ring worker with a good physique and a keen grasp of how to talk and hype things up, Bagwell also unfortunately felt he was untouchable, and destined to be a megastar in the WWF.

As history would dictate, that didn't happen. Instead, Buff was part of the infamous main event of Raw in July, '01, stinking up the joint alongside Booker T. It wasn't so much that the bout was terrible, it just wasn't anything special, and it really seemed like the WCW crew wouldn't have won anyone over backstage even if they'd put on a five-star classic.

Nonetheless, whilst Booker was hard-working, polite and eager to fit into the WWF system, Bagwell thought he was above it, reportedly blowing off many training sessions and live event bookings. Worse yet, his mother was the one who called Jim Ross, informing him that Buff was ill and wouldn't be able to make his appearances.

Shortly before WCW went out of business, an interview in an issue of the promotion's magazine also gave insight into just how self-obsessed Buff was, believing himself to be the only one who could keep the company afloat.

What other egotistical stars can you think of? Do you agree with the ones listed here? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.