10 Epic Moments From WWE In MSG

1. Hulkamania Is Running Wild - (1984)

The Iron Sheik's victory over Bob Backlund for the WWE Championship was one of the most controversial decisions in the history of Vince McMahon's promotion. To prove that his championship win was not a fluke, he would be faced with defending his title in a huge singles bout against hot newcomer Hulk Hogan, who had taken the territory by storm since defecting from Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association. On January 23, 1984, Hogan would get his title opportunity to dethrone the Iranian in front of a pro-USA crowd in MSG. Despite finding himself trapped in the Camel Clutch, The Hulkster showed great resiliency, fighting through the pain to remain in the match. Then, as he would do so many times over the course of his historic, Hall of Fame career, he dropped his opponent and delivered the big leg drop to win the match. After months of chasing the title in AWA, Hogan capturing the WWE heavyweight championship of the world. Gorilla Monsoon exclaimed on commentary, "Hulkamania is running wild," and it was. Vince McMahon had found the man that he would hitch his wagon to and ride into the biggest boom period in pro wrestling history. At least to that point. Hogan would become a legitimate crossover star, a pop culture icon and one of the biggest stars the industry had ever seen. And Madison Square Garden would be home to countless sellouts credited to the unique connection the Florida-born star had with the fans.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.