10 Exciting Prospects For WWE WrestleMania 32

5. The Return Of Steve Austin And The Rock

Two of WWE€™s biggest stars in the last twenty years are both set to return at WrestleMania 32. Whilst both roles are unknown, it€™s believed that Steve Austin already has creative plans in place, which could be tied in with the main event or to put over another wrestler. With the nostalgia fix last year coming from DX v nWo, it looks like this year we€™ll be seeing the two biggest stars of the Attitude Era share some screen time. The Rock has already started hyping his own appearance for the event, despite giving few details about what capacity he€™ll be serving. With Rock promising to make WrestleMania history for the fans, let's hope it€™s something worthwhile and not just a selfie with the record crowd.

Writer with a big passion for gaming and sports, sprinkled with a bit of WWE. Massive Chelsea fan too, I just don't like talking about it at the moment.