10 Famous People You Won't Believe Were Wrestlers

9. The Godfather, But Not That One!

Luca Brasi Without doubt, The Godfather is one of film's best-loved trilogies. Lenny Montana, who played the threatening, physically intimidating Luca Brasi - the personal enforcer for Manlon Brando's Vito Corleone character - was hugely convincing in his role of bodyguard, and received a lot of acclaim from both critics and moviegoers for his performance in the role. Something a lot of people - even wrestling fans - watching the film might not realise is that Montana had a very successful career as a pro wrestler prior to entering the acting world, doing things in the exact reverse order from the aforementioned Tom Lister. In actual fact, Montana, as Lenny "The Bull" Montana, held a number of Heavyweight and Tag-Team Championships throughout his near-two decade tenure in the industry. Most notably, The Bull won the Texas Tag-Team Title with none other than Gene Kiniski, but he also held other belts, including the AWA World Tag Titles, the NWA Central States Heavyweight strap, and even the NWA's Southern Heavyweight Title. Standing at 6'6", Montana had the stature to be taken seriously in wrestling, something which translated well into his acting career.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.