10 Fascinating Backstage Facts About Edge

7. He Nearly Got Into A Fight With JBL

Edge is doing a bit

Here's a fact most people don't know - the beloved JBL was actually a massive bully who used his power to belittle, attack, and victimise his peers. Oh, wait, no, everyone knows that; it's one of the worst kept secrets in WWE.

John Bradshaw Layfield's infamous backstage reputation has all but overshadowed his illustrious career. There are many tales of his horrendous penchant for hazing, bullying, physical attacks, and, in some cases, sexual harassment. Thankfully, there are also plenty of stories about him getting humbled, and this is one of them.

Ken Anderson (Mr Kennedy) discussed this incident on an episode of the Pancakes and Powerslams Podcast. According to him, JBL had been hazing Copeland during an overseas tour. After putting up with it for some time, Copeland snapped and confronted him.

Anderson alleged that Edge slapped a beer out of the former Bradshaw's hand and said, "let's go right now. I'm sick of it." In response, Layfield backed down, opting not to aggravate the young wrestler any further.

Hearing that one of the most well liked wrestlers of all time put this bully in his place is more satisfying than seeing a pitch perfect superkick.


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