10 Fascinating Backstage Facts About Edge

5. He Nearly Missed No Mercy 1999

Edge is doing a bit

No Mercy 1999 was an integral milestone in Adam Copeland's career, as it was the PPV where he and Christian squared off in a Tag Team Ladder match against The Hardy Boyz. This iconic bout became the basis for the legendary TLC matches that defined both teams (and the Dudley Boyz) careers. So, the fact he almost missed it due to an act of nature is horrifying.

Edge recounted the story of this near-miss on his Instagram account in 2021. He claimed to have gotten stuck in Miami the night before the PPV due to a hurricane. The next day, he realised he had to drive through the terrifying storm to catch a flight to Tampa. His flight would get him in for 4:00 before his match at 7:30, meaning even the slightest delay could have resulted in him missing the event.

Naturally he made it through this troubling time, and the match became an instant classic. This is particularly impressive as airline travel tends to be about as dependable as Nia Jax's ability to protect her opponents.

The next time you decide to call in sick to work, just remember Edge drove through a hurricane so as not to miss it.


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