10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2011

1. Sting Turned Down WWE’s Hall Of Fame

CM Punk WWE Title 2011 MSG

WWE's bold plan for WrestleMania XXVII included inducting Sting into the Hall Of Fame then lining up a huge dream match vs. The Undertaker. What a weekend that would've been. As the story goes, the Stinger was hesitant to agree due to WWE's checkered past when booking ex-WCW stars.

So, in the end, he said thanks but no thanks.

Cryptic teasers did air on TV before the plug was pulled though, which is interesting. That didn't matter to Sting. Man, what was it with WWE in 2011 and starting angles with TNA's top talent in mind? The Stinger wouldn't sign with Vince McMahon's league until 2014. His 2014-2015 run there is generally considered a waste of everyone's time.

Another thing: Where would Triple H vs. 'Taker have fit into all of this? Perhaps that was a last-minute switcheroo once it became clear Sting wasn't playing ball. WWE got things rolling on Trips vs. 'The Deadman' in late-February, after all; the same 21 February date that had been referenced in those teasers. 

What other interesting facts do you know about WWE in 2011? For more wrestling, check out 20 Wrestlers Who Won World Titles In The Fewest Matches and 10 Strongest WWE Wrestlers EVER

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.