10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2011

6. Only ‘Mania With No Title Changes

CM Punk WWE Title 2011 MSG

How's that for a stat?! WrestleMania XXVII remains the only entry in the iconic event series with no title changes to speak of. Sure, the card only had three title bouts on it, but none of those belts changed hands. Edge retained the old World Title vs. Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus held onto the US strap in a pre-show ‘Lumberjack’ bout vs. Daniel Bryan, and The Miz defended his WWE Title vs. John Cena in the main event.

This had never happened before, and it hasn't happened since.

Every single other WrestleMania show has had at least one title switch on it. For some reason, WWE reasoned that wasn't necessary in 2011 even though 100/100 people polled would've picked Cena to beat Miz. The Rock had something to say about that before setting up his "Once In A Lifetime" scrap with John the next night.

Royal Rumble winner Del Rio failed to win big gold despite Edge's forthcoming retirement, and the United States Title situation was dumped to the non-PPV portion of 'Mania. As legend has it, Sheamus picked working Bryan over a match with Rey Mysterio. He might've regretted that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.