10 Fascinating Facts About WWE WrestleMania III

7. King Kong Bundy Wasn't Supposed To Elbow Drop Little Beaver

wrestlemania 3 poster

Worked or not, a 450-pound mound of upright mass slamming around a 50-year-old midget wrestler is going to be at least somewhat grueling. In the comedic six man tag that took place early on the WrestleMania 3 card, King Kong Bundy was supposed to draw a disqualification by bodyslamming the undersized Little Beaver, thereby violating the "Pick On Someone Your Own Size" edict of the match.

After the high-angled slam that planted Beaver onto the canvas, Bundy motioned for a follow-up elbow drop. He wasn't supposed to go through with it, but, according to Bundy, the other midget wrestlers were late in stepping in to shield Beaver. Instead of stalling, which would've exposed the work, Bundy carried on dropping the elbow on a man one-eighth of his body weight. Reportedly, the improvised move was a career-ender for Little Beaver, who did indeed retire in 1987.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.