10 Fascinating Masked 'Mystery' Wrestlers

4. Los Conquistadores (Edge & Christian)

Edge and Christian were the best team of the Attitude Era, with apologies to the Hardyz, Dudleyz, and their fanz. That's why it totally reeked of unfairness, and, frankly, injustitude, when Mick Foley decided in the autumn of 2000 that E&C would have no more title shots while the Hardyz were champions. Forced into a corner by the power-drunk commissioner, the noble Torontonians were forced to engage in outright subterfuge, disguising themselves as (apparently resurgent) 1980€™s jobbers Uno and Dos, Los Conquistadores. Edge and Christian were more genre-savvy than most, though. They actually hired stand-ins to appear in backstage segments with them to €œprove€ that it couldn't be them under the golden hoods of Uno and Dos. The Conquistadores unseated the Hardyz, but before Edge and Christian could pin their dupes for the belts on Raw, the Hardyz stole the costumes and pinned THEM, meaning the titles simultaneously switched from E &C to the Hardyz and (officially) between TWO SETS of Conquistadores. The scheme ultimately paid off, however: both sets of Conquistadores were stricken from the record books, with credit for their reigns reverting to the Hardyz and Edge & Christian. And, of course, since the Hardyz€™ original reign did indisputably end, so did Foley€™s restriction on E&C€™s number one contendership. Break out the kazoos!

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.