10 Fascinating Stories Behind WWE Superstar Tattoos

7. Kevin Owens Zodiac Sign

Kevin Owens Tattoo

At first glance, it seems like Kevin Owens was simply a huge fan of The Rock growing up and wanted to get a 'Brahma Bull' tattoo just like his hero. That's not quite the case, although Owens has admitted that yes, he was a big mark for Dwayne Johnson's WWE character as a teenager.

Born on 7 May 1984, KO's star sign is that of Taurus. Of course, Taurus is Latin for 'bull', which is precisely why one adorns the man's right shoulder. Type in something like, 'Kevin Owens WWE tattoo' to Google though and be prepared for countless theories on his love of The Rock. Kevin's ink does look a little familiar.

There's more to the story too. Owens wife has always said he reminds her of a bull, and that makes up part of the reason why he decided to have it inked on his upper arm. The nose ring and red eye design that make it look so much like The Rock's bull are completely coincidental.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.