10 Fascinating WWE Backstage Facts About 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

8. He Once Got Stuck In A Shower Trying To Moonwalk

Stone Cold Steve Austin

This truly is one of the wildest stories ever told on the Steve Austin Podcast, and by god, it surely reminds you that he's not a superhero, just a regular human being.

The legendary wrestler once found himself shooting on location and needed to take a shower. While doing so, a Michael Jackson song came up on his phone. He claims he was wearing a single scrubbing glove at the time and thus felt a connection to MJ. What did he do next? Well, the six-time WWE Champion moonwalked a few steps, slipped on a bar of soap, and lodged himself inside the small shower.

As if that wasn't bad enough, his landing also caused a sponge on a stick to get shoved right where the sun doesn't shine. Austin was stuck for a while before eventually calling 911, with Firefighters coming to his rescue. Naturally, it was a pretty embarrassing situation, especially when they were forced to yank the object out of his backside.

The WWE Hall of Famer then finished the story by claiming that the scrubber had worked wonders on his insides, meaning he was so clean he could "fart in front of the Pope and not even offend him."

Wow, what a story!

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Steve Austin
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