10 Fascinating WWE Backstage Facts About The Undertaker

8. 'Taker Is Afraid Of Cucumbers

The Undertaker Quit WWE

This might be common knowledge amongst wrestling fans by now, but it's still hilarious.

Apparently, one of WWE's most feared creations gets rather anxious around the humble cucumber. Several peers have gone on record to say 'Taker just doesn't like them. If only famous foes like Mick Foley, Steve Austin and Kurt Angle had known that, eh?

The Undertaker himself has claimed that he isn't outright scared of cucumbers, but definitely isn't a fan when they're lying around. That must've made trips to WWE catering hell, especially when the 'Phenom' approached a salad bar. It's almost incredible that company writers didn't try to play on this at one stage.

Maybe 'Taker made it clear he wouldn't be game for some cucumber-inspired TV hell. 'Cucumber On A Pole' match, anyone? Actually, that wouldn't work - The Undertaker would've just run a mile. You wouldn't see that big supernatural git for dust!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.