10 Fascinating WWE Survivor Series 1989 Facts

1. It Was Only The Second WWE PPV Main Event With No Hulk Hogan Involvement

survivor series 89

By late-1989, Hulk Hogan was about six years into his run as WWE's money-drawing alpha and omega. By this time, Vince McMahon was getting the younger Ultimate Warrior ready to be Hogan's successor, with WrestleMania 6 designated as the intended changing of the guard.

The 1989 Survivor Series was headlined by Warrior's team battling Andre's Heenan Family foursome. Reportedly, this was done to give fans a taste of Warrior as the lone individual standing tall at the end of a pay-per-view, a sight WWE had hoped would be accepted by the masses.

For Hogan (whose match went on third of five that night), it was only the second time in 12 WWE pay-per-views (counting closed-circuit WrestleMania 1) that he had no involvement (wrestling, cornerman, or otherwise) in the main event. The other was 1985's Wrestling Classic, in which Randy Savage and Junkyard Dog went on last to conclude the evening's tournament.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.