10 Fascinating WWE Survivor Series 1999 Facts

7. It Featured Mae Young's Only Pay-Per-View Match

Triple H Big Show The Rock  Survivor Series 1999

You know the Women's division of 1999 wasn't setting the world on fire when their representation at Survivor Series includes two septuagenarians. On a team with Tori, Debra, and The Fabulous Moolah, 76-year-old Mae Young was probably the most capable and gifted in-ring performer of the four, even at her age. She was willing to bump normally in a match with the Holly cousins, so credit where it's due: Mae Young was a certified bad ass.

Mae's only pay-per-view match ever (the 2000 Royal Rumble swimsuit contest does not count) was a sub-two minute tag team match against Ivory, Jacqueline, Luna Vachon, and Terri Runnels, ending when Moolah pinned Ivory.

Thankfully, it was a one-fall match and not elimination rules. It probably wouldn't have been pretty had there been four to seven falls, given the assembled talent. Actually, it wasn't pretty as a one-fall match, either.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.