10 Fascinating WWE WrestleMania 22 Facts
9. It Took Seven Years, But Big Show Finally Won A WrestleMania Match

Truly, a WrestleMania moment equally worthy of Ellis Mbeh's slack-jawed, deer-in-the-headlights stare. Eight years before Undertaker was conquered by Brock Lesnar, an equally-notable streak came to an end: Big Show actually won a WrestleMania match. After losing sumo matches, hardcore matches, jobbing out in main events in under five minutes, and being forced to spend WrestleMania entertaining kids at a Times Square theme restaurant, Show was finally in the win column.
Show and Kane reigned as Raw's Tag Team champions for five months at the time of WrestleMania 22, and were given a win over the youthful duo of Carlito and Chris Masters. It was a serviceable opening match, concluding with Kane chokeslamming the apple-spitting Carlito for the fall.
So no, Show didn't score the pin. It would take him another four years to tie Corporal Kirchner on the "pinfalls scored at WrestleMania" list.