10 Fascinating WWE WrestleMania 26 Facts
9. The Match With Sheamus Was Triple H's First Non-World Title WrestleMania Match In Nine Years

To give you an idea of just how married to the main event scene Triple H had been for the decade prior to WrestleMania 26, his midcard match with Sheamus was his first 'Mania in something other than a World Championship match since 2001, when he warred with a still-biker Undertaker. Not counting WrestleMania 23 (which he missed, due to a torn quadriceps), Helmsley's previous seven WrestleMania matches had been for World Championships. Even his bout a year prior to the 'Taker match was a WWE Championship bout, concluding WrestleMania 2000.
That also makes six of the previous ten WrestleManias that Triple H took part in the evening's final match. He was 3-3 across those matches, putting over worthy babyfaces in Chris Benoit, Batista, and John Cena, but nonetheless, that's a lot of "Game" involvement in the World title scene.