10 Fastest WWE Title Changes Ever

1. Andre Chooses Money

Beating Big Show to the title of shortest-ever WWE world title reign by just four seconds is his dad, Andre the Giant, who relinquished his crown in under two minutes after winning it at The Main Event in February 1988.

Unlike Show, however, Andre wasn't actually pinned. Instead, he simply traded the title for a big wad of cash with Ted DiBiase, who had also paid the Earl Hebner lookalike referee to count a fast pin (just in case anyone thought that Hogan had actually lost fair and square).

Remarkably, despite being one of the biggest stars in the company's history - both in terms of stature and profile - this was the only occasion on which the Frenchman actually held the biggest prize. And it lasted a mere 1 minute 52 seconds; that's the thanks he got for helping to define an entire wrestling era.

Another interesting bit of trivia is that the reign that preceded Andre's lasted some 1,474 days (or more than four years). This has to be the record for greatest contrast between two WWE Title reigns - for whatever that's worth.

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