10 Feuds For Jeff Hardy If He Comes Back To WWE

8. The Wyatt Family

Jeff Hardy getting weird with Bray Wyatt would be amazing. If you could get a year run out of Hardy to culminate at WrestleMania 33 in some sort of twist on a "loser leave town" match that involves some sort of mention of spiritual demise (not death, because well, death isn't "PG," that's up the alley of both of these men to do some fantastic work. Psychologically hinged men don't do well in feuds with Bray Wyatt. John Cena, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho have proven this. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that Bray Wyatt being a failure is as much a statement on 21st century pro wrestlers not being weird people who just didn't fit in society anywhere else than any other thing that anyone wants to mention about the modern business. Watch Bray and the similarly off-kilter Dean Ambrose's feud and it's a thing of beauty because they're both misfit societal outcasts who can pull the best out of each other. It just works. Jeff Hardy is the ultimate misfit and outcast, and he and Bray could have a MAGICAL feud for 2017's WrestleMania that should be considered.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.