10 Feuds For The Undertaker After WWE SummerSlam

10. John Cena

Cena versus The Undertaker is a match that fans have dreamed about for years now. It is the biggest current star against the biggest legend, and is guaranteed to do big business. If WWE are wanting to maintain Raw viewership and boost Network subscriptions, Cena vesus Undertaker is a home run for this autumn. It could be set up with Taker defeating Lesnar at SummerSlam, and Cena overcoming Rollins. Undertaker would then identify himself as the number one contender, having defeated Lesnar who was the previous contender. Cena would of course accept the challenge. It is a match that has never happened in a major setting, they've fought in the past, but never in Cena's prime on a huge show. You could definitely imagine this headlining the Mexico tour and giving us a huge bout at Survivor Series.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.