10 Feuds For The Undertaker After WWE SummerSlam

7. Dean Ambrose

There's a back story to this one. In 2013, The Shield defeated The Undertaker when he teamed with Kane and Daniel Bryan on Raw. Taker then went on to face Dean Ambrose on Smackdown. Although Undertaker defeated Ambrose, the lunatic fringe got retribution in the post-match. Along with The Shield, he absolutely destroyed The Undertaker, even putting him through a table. That was that. Undertaker never came back to avenge that destruction, leaving a potentially great story up in the air. With rumours of Ambrose going heel at SummerSlam, perhaps the time would now be right to revisit the conflict. Ambrose could target Taker, or vice versa.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.