10 Forgotten ECW Wrestlers You Totally Don't Remember

8. Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels ECW

Yes, that Christopher Daniels.

He's included here for two reasons. One, the fact Daniels worked for the original ECW really shows off his career longevity. Two, no-one gracing God's green earth remembers anything he did in the promotion. Still, Chris was coming off a few WWF tryouts and Heyman surely spotted his talent early on.

Daniels worked a total of 6 matches for ECW in 1999. Most of them fell on house shows, but he also tangled with Rhino on an episode of Hardcore TV and at the Hostile City Showdown special event. Those were bigger-than-average spots for somebody so fresh, but Paul E might've been scouting Rhino's potential first and foremost.

The future TNA and AEW favourite packed up and went to WCW for a quick stopover post-ECW. He'd also get a few more shots in the federation before TNA formed and Daniels tag-teamed that company's rise with success in ROH. Dude's been around forever!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.