10 Forgotten Finishers From Well-Known WWE Superstars

1. Kane - Falling Powerbomb

Dean Ambrose Original Dirty Deeds
WWE Network

By 2001, Kane had been dominating the WWE for well over four years. Positioned as one of the top babyfaces in the company, he began changing up his repertoire. While his secondary finisher, the Chokeslam had become his primary weapon, he began using the Tombstone Piledriver significantly less and adopted a new finisher — the Falling Powerbomb.

The Big Red Machine had previously experimented with the move, but he would end up fully incorporating it into his arsenal from mid-2001. He would hoist his opponent onto his shoulders before throwing himself into the canvas with such speed and impact that it may have been the most vicious Powerbomb in WWE history. He would then crawl over their prone body and cradle their leg to almost always pick up the win.

Kane soon began to phase the move out, before dropping it altogether when he returned from his injury with a half-mask. It's a shame that he abandoned it because seeing that 7-foot monster fall straight onto his stomach with ease as he planted his opponent was an incredible sight to behold.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.