10 Forgotten Finishers Wrestlers Suddenly ABANDONED

1. John Cena’s Lightning Fist

John Cena Lightning Fist

John Cena's Attitude Adjustment is one of those moves that clicked as a finish early on and could never be changed. Initially, it was called the F-U, then WWE went PG in 2008 and the AA rebrand took place. Cena had been using it for years, so changing to something else would've been unnecessary.

Leave that to 2018 and one of JC's most shortlived ideas.

That year, Cena added the "Lightning Fist" to his arsenal. In interviews, he revealed that filming some movies in China had inspired his thinking, but WWE fans wouldn't embrace the idea. It forced opponents to effectively no-sell his Attitude Adjustment so they could bounce up to their feet before taking a regular punch to the throat/chest.

In other words, Cena was willingly downplaying the impact of his long-established finisher just to do the punch gimmick. It didn't work, and likely won't be part of his retirement tour in 2025. The "Lightning" part of the name wasn't reflected in the speed of execution either. Just saying!

What other forgotten wrestling finishers were suddenly abandoned? For more WWE, check out 10 Heaviest Wrestlers Of All Time and 10 Strongest WWE Wrestlers EVER


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.