10 Forgotten WWE Cameos From Major Stars Before They Were Famous

6. Lita ("Ho")

Lita The Godfather Ho

The Hardyz' future 'Team Xtreme' cohort Lita had a more insulting start to her WWE career. She was briefly presented as one of The Godfather's many "Hos" on Raw in 1999, but gave that gig the boot in favour of a stint in ECW shortly thereafter.

Who can blame her?

Though Lita did play up to the mandatory sexuality of the "Diva" tag years later, she was never a great fit to play one of the pimp's entourage. His ladies were flat out, non-wrestling eye candy, and they were only there to complement The Godfather's crowd-pleasing gimmick whilst Jerry Lawler ogled from the announce desk.

Lita always seemed to have more about her.

Obviously, the company didn't reference her time as a "Ho" when she returned as Essa Rios' valet in 2000. It was completely forgotten about by the time she moved on to link up with Matt and Jeff as a popular trio anyway.

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