10 Forgotten WWE Managers You Totally Don't Remember

Bobby Heenan, Paul Heyman, Jimmy Hart then...these forgotten WWE managers!

Prime Time Players Abraham Washington

The importance of a good wrestling manager should never be overlooked.

Scan any episode of Raw, SmackDown or NXT and you're bound to see at least one wrestler who struggles to cut it on the mic. They might have a great look or be solid in-ring, but promos are king in WWE and that'll never change even post-Vince McMahon. Someone who can get their point across and sell a feud just by talking? That's priceless.

It's no wonder then that WWE has burned through a lot of managers and valets over the years. Sadly, for every Bobby Heenan or Paul Heyman, there are hundreds of forgotten faces who didn't quite reach those levels. It'll be fun to find out just how many of the characters listed here you actually remember.

Some of them only had fleeting runs in the company, but there are a few that should've worked out and enjoyed longer spells than they did. One, in particular, suffered because he got lost in the shuffle when guys like Heenan and Jimmy Hart were at their peak.

Here's to the forgotten gaffers!

10. The Commandant

Prime Time Players Abraham Washington

Don Callis had nothing on The Commandant.

OK, that's clearly nonsense. Don's run as The Jackyl had way more potential than the WWF realised in 1997, but probably with a gimmick other than the military-based Truth Commission. That was a way better fit for the group's original manager: That aforementioned Commandant.

He was an actor called Robin Smith that Bret Hart met in South Africa, and the pair hit it off. The 'Hitman' recommended his new pal to Vince McMahon, and the Commission idea debuted in affiliate promotion USWA. Then, McMahon brought them to core WWF programming, but The Commandant only lasted a few months on TV before being replaced.

When people think Truth Commission, they think Jackyl. Actually, do people think about the Commission at all in 2024? This writer does. Recon, Sniper and Kurgan The Interrogator, man. You just had to be there during the glory days. Ahem.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.