10 Forgotten WWE Masked Men

9. El Gran Luchadore

Before you comment, the spelling is WWE’s not mine so please keep your gleeful pointing out of my errors to countless other instances within this list.

El Gran Luchadore is a strange name to put on this list as some may argue that he wasn’t so much a wrestler as he was a simple storyline device. Originally portrayed by Paul London, Luchadore was introduced in 2004 when JBL was on an anti-Mexican run, even going as far as to be seen acting as Borderline security. JBL squashed Luchadore in a convincing fashion on an edition of Smackdown in April of the same year.

The next man under the mask was original MF’er Shannon Moore. Moore took part in a match with then WWE Champion JBL, thus furthering their mini rivalry. The match started out very much like the first with Bradshaw squashing the masked man until Luchadore surprisingly mounted an amazing comeback. It become apparent pretty quickly that a second man dressed as Luchadore had switched places with the orginal, throwing JBL off balance and forcing him to retreat. It was then revealed that it was Eddie Guerrero under the second mask and with JBL running to the back, the original Luchadore won the match via count-out.

The final appearance of El Gran Luchadore came in July 2004 when he interfered in a cage match between Eddie Guerrero and JBL. In a surprising twist, Luchadore helped Bradshaw escape the cage by holding Guerrero’s legs. Enraged, Guerrero attacked the man and tore of his masked revealing the new Luchadore to be the supposedly injured Kurt Angle.

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I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!