10 Fun Facts About My Trip To WWE WrestleMania XXVI

10. Pre-WrestleMania RAW Taping In San Jose

As we arrived in the US, we were pretty excited that on our first night we'd get to go to RAW. It might be Shawn Michaels' last one, Bret and Vince would probably be on the show, Cena and Batista's rivalry was pretty heated and, oh yeah, Pete Rose was the Guest Host for the night. The last time Pete Rose was in front of a live WWE crowd was ten years before at WrestleMania 2000 when he tried to attack Kane with a bat and got chokeslammed and received a Stink Face from Rikishi. No wonder it took him a decade to return. By 2010, Pete Rose looked OLD! He came out to make his arch nemesis Kane take on Shawn Michaels but the gag was done. I vividly remember the Shawn Michaels' career tribute video package they played and it was only then it really sunk in - he is retiring on Sunday. Other highlights from that show included attending an NXT taping, where we saw Daniel Bryan tagging with Michael Tarver against Darren Young and David Otunga with CM Punk on the outside. Even in March of 2010, there was a huge reaction for Daniel Bryan when he came out that night, even if we did all recognize that he'd never be allowed to shine due to the game show format.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.