10 Future WWE Grand Slam Champions

9. Kane

Big E Grand Slam

All Kane needs is the United States Championship, and who wouldn't want to see a post-mayor patriotic Kane running around with the US belt and a new red, white, and blue mask?

Don't lie to us: we all want that.

While multi-colored patriot Kane isn't all too likely, seeing him with the United States Championship around his waist may actually come to fruition one day. It's just the kind of odd thing WWE would do. They've capitalized on a guy like Donald Trump in years prior by putting his iconic hair on the line. It may have been stupid, but WWE knew what would draw in attention. Similarly, if Kane's role as the mayor of Knox County comes to an end, and then he immediately picks up a win for the United States Championship, social media would blow up. You would have Glenn Jacob's new governmental friends actively tweeting about him putting on a mask and representing the United States. It could very well turn into chaos.

As WWE has proved throughout history, chaos can be good sometimes. Plus, c'mon, Kane always deserves more credit.

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someone remind me to edit this