10 Gems That Saved Rotten Wrestling PPVs

8. Scott Steiner Vs. Goldberg (WCW Fall Brawl 2000)

Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam RVD

World Championship Wrestling was in quite the mess by September, 2000. Those who were there don't need the history lesson, but those who weren't were saved from some truly awful shows that sapped the energy out of building after building. Fall Brawl 2000 was well on the way to doing just that before Scott Steiner and Goldberg hit the scene.

Constructing a hard-hitting brawl that felt like it carried a level of intensity everything else presented lacked, Steiner vs. Goldberg is one of the best matches from WCW's final year of existence. At times, it felt like the company didn't really know what they had on their hands with Steiner's intimidation gimmick, but he was on top form here.

Goldberg was damaged goods by late-2000, but he seemed reinvigorated by working alongside the trusty Steiner. Kevin Nash and Booker T later struggled to follow up on their co-main event with a 'Caged Heat' bout lacking real energy.

Energy wasn't an issue for Goldberg and Steiner, they really went at it with some great power-based brawling.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.