10 Gifts WWE Should Give Their Superstars This Christmas
Dear Vince Claus, this Christmas I want...
Santa's usual rules of "naughty or nice" don't exactly apply in the world of WWE. Whether babyface or heel, many members of today's ultra-talented roster deserve to be showered with gifts this Christmas, especially from the booking team. We're not talking about a hairdryer for Roman Reigns, or a beard trimmer for Bray Wyatt. These superstars need career-boosting gifts, ones which could very well transform their fortunes in 2016. From title reigns to gimmick changes, WWE's hard-working superstars deserve the right booking and creative decisions in order to maximise their undeniable potential and lead them on the road to superstardom. Hopefully Vince McMahon and co. can look into their hearts and give their wrestlers these precious gifts that they so desperately need. It's Christmas, after all.
10. Roman Reigns - A Heel Turn