10 Gimmick Ideas WWE Were Right To Turn Down

5. 'The Lock' (Christian)

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"Can you smell what The Lock is cookin'?".

If you've ever wondered why Christian started wearing darkened sunglasses, got a Hollywood leading man haircut and started dressing like Val Kilmer in 2003, then wonder no more. WWE almost turned him into a cheap knock-off of The Rock, and one writer was very excited about it.

Christian wasn't, and neither was Vince McMahon, The Canadian star noted on his old 'E&C's Pod Of Awesomeness' show with Edge that the same writer called him back a few days later and said, "I guess Vince heard the idea and said, 'That's the stupidest idea I've ever ever heard - we're not doing that', so it's not happening after all". Relief all round. Well, apart from the creative staffer.

The whole thing was born from one backstage promo in which Rocky joked that Christian was his favourite wrestler. McMahon wasn't keen, Christian thought it sucked and the company instantly changed tact towards a tag-team with and eventual feud against Chris Jericho.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.