10 Gimmicks Other Wrestlers HATED

1. The Undertaker Wants ‘Funkasaurus’ To Fail

The Undertaker Brodus Clay Fail WWE

Brodus Clay's nerves must've been shredded when none other than The Undertaker approached him backstage and told him to make sure the debuting 'Funkasaurus' character flopped in 2012. 'Taker didn't think it was a good idea at all, and badly wanted to see the intimidating Brodus go back to being a menacing heel monster.

Clay decided to throw his all into the dancing bit instead of listening.

Perhaps that's unfair. He probably did listen, but can't be criticised for doing what WWE told him to do. The Undertaker was a powerful player behind the scenes, but this wasn't his company. Brodus had to please people other than 'The Deadman', so he had a lot to weigh up. He certainly didn't want a frosty look at Gorilla from Vince McMahon.

'Taker thought the 'Funkasaurus' was silly and a poor fit for someone like Clay. Who knows how differently things could've turned out for Brodus had he taken the advice and tanked? Being honest, it likely wouldn't have worked out well for him either way. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

What other gimmicks did fellow wrestlers hate on? For more WWE, check out 10 WWE PPV Matches That Prove Vince McMahon Lost It and 10 WWE Feuds That Started Over The DUMBEST Things


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.