10 Gimmicks That WWE Milked Dry

5. Hell In A Cell Bumps

The Fiend

The Hell in a Cell match is ridiculous when you think about it. First, the cell only exists because the cage gimmick was ruined by constant interference and the escape rule.

What do you do when a cage isn't good enough? Put a lid on it. Of course, WWE didn't make it past the first usage before having a wrestler find their way in. While the structure couldn't prevent monsters from crashing the bout, it still managed to keep the fight inside of its walls... for a hot second.

Ask WWE to put a fight on inside of a cell, and it's going to immediately think, "How do we get outside of this sucker?"

Going outside hasn't been enough either. Almost every year, wrestlers have made their way to the top of the towering cage. When The Undertaker hurled (or gently tossed) Mankind off of the cell in 1998, fans were left shocked. The stunt's execution was flawless, and it seemed as though nothing could have ever topped it.

Perhaps, nothing has. Nearly every year at the Hell in a Cell PPV, one of the main attractions features two top wrestlers battling atop the cell, only to find themselves falling onto an announce table. The sight was quite the spectacle at first, but after over two decades of Hell in a Cell matches, the bump has lost its awe-factor, as it seems almost anyone can take it, even both of the McMahon boys.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.