10 Great Wrestling World Title Reigns Marred By Bad Endings

5. Goldberg (WCW World Heavyweight Championship)

Goldberg WCW World Champion

"Who's next?"

At Starrcade '98, it was Goldberg himself.

Presented as an unbeatable powerhouse, the charismatic Goldberg made up for his lack of technical ability with his fearsome mannerisms and explosive offense. Insanely strong and remarkably quick for his size, the big man was a colossal hit with WCW fans.

In the wake of Sting's disappointing run on top, the promotion needed a new top babyface to butt heads with the nWo. Enter Goldberg, who claimed Hogan's WCW World Heavyweight Championship in July on Nitro in a classic moment from the Monday Night Wars. Despite being pea green in the ring, Bret Hart’s least favourite wrestler had some surprisingly good matches as WCW Champ. Best of all was his classic Halloween Havoc '98 showdown with Diamond Dallas Page.

While the power of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was worrisome for WCW, Goldberg was a solid draw as 1998 came to a close. Unfortunately for Da Man, Kevin Nash had booking power.

Claiming fans were tired of the former NFL defensive tackle, Nash decided he himself was the perfect solution. The Jackhammer maestro lost via a Scott Hall taser shot that night and never got another go with the promotion’s top prize. Despite the energy surrounding his undefeated streak and still young title reign, Goldberg was shafted in favour of more nWo shenanigans.

Nash soon dropped (see: handed over) the belt to Hogan in the infamous, ratings-destroying Fingerpoke of Doom - and neither Goldberg nor WCW ever quite recovered from this bizarre turn of events.

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