10 Great WWE Matches Brock Lesnar Missed Out On

1. Rematches

One thing that fans really missed out on with Brock Lesnar quitting WWE was the quality rematches that were expected. More bouts with Kurt Angle seemed a given. The two had spent much of 2003 battling against each other, putting on some exhilarating efforts in the process. They had the kind of chemistry that would've saw them matched against each other for years and years. In the immediacy of Lesnar quitting, he lost out on a rematch he was due with Eddie Guerrero. The latino hero had defeated Lesnar for the title at No Way Out in February 2004. If Lesnar hadn't quit, he'd almost definitley have faced Eddie for the title again in the spring of that year. Just like more matches with Angle, more Lesnar matches with Eddie would've been great. Instead we got John Bradshaw Layfield and his year long WWE Title reign. There's a lot of great Brock Lesnar WWE matches that got lost in his hiatus from pro wrestling, but with Seth Rollins and the new era, there's also plenty of future Lesnar matches to look forward to.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.