10 Great WWE Matches Brock Lesnar Missed Out On

3. Lesnar Vs Michaels

The best wrestler in the world during the mid to latter 2000's was consistently Shawn Michaels. Even up until his retirement in 2010, he was still better than the majority of the WWE roster. A face Michaels would have came up against heel Brock Lesnar at some point had the star not left in 2004. The matches that they could have had would have been spectacular. Lesnar's big suplexes on a guy who sells as good as HBK would've been very memorable. The feud would've also suited Michaels perfectly. He always did great against bigger guys and he loved playing the role of babyface underdog. Both men would have made great foils for each other and it's a shame that Shawn retired before Lesnar finally came back.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.